I thought I would share some visuals of the book activities I have been sharing on Instagram.
After reading Windblown by Edouard Manceau, we cut our colored pieces inspired by the book to create a chicken and a jellyfish.
Drawing inspiration from Michael Hall’s book, Perfect Square, we gathered colored paper and some scissors.
We cut our squares into diagonal pieces and then we used them like puzzle pieces to come up with our own photos.
We came up with a giraffe having a snack and a tray of noodles and soup.
The above books were chosen so that my littlest ones could be involved in the projects. The older ones have ideas of their own (the giraffe having a snack), where my almost 4 year old needs a little help. He sees a bowl, and I help him make a table. He is pretty good with a glue stick. If your picture is more abstract, let it be. In the mind of a child, what they see you might not, but it builds confidence to let them do it on their own.
A Seed is Sleepy by Dianna Hutts Aston is just beautiful, as well as educational. I have added this book into another series I want to teach my children about. I will share soon.
You have probably seen this project around, it’s pretty common for a kindergartner to make at school. I had never grown a bean in a cup so I was just as excited as my children. These beans are three days in, and once my children saw the sprout, they were so excited. We drew our own pictures to place in the plant so we could tell who’s was who’s.
I chose a navy bean (the smaller one ) and a lima bean for our projects. You just need a clear cup, cotton balls and a bean. So simple. Place the cup in the window and wait for the magic to begin.
I love bringing books to life and teaching and learning along side my children.
Happy Spring Everyone.