Interview with Christian Robinson
This year marks the 75th anniversary of Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown. In celebration, I got to interview one of the most beloved illustrators in Children’s books today, Mr. Christian Robinson. His work reaches a wide audience with its beauty and remarkable way...
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This is Sadie
I don't remember being this excited about a book. I am the biggest fan of Julie Morstad, I have her books and have purchased a few of her prints. When I first read When I Was Small by Sara O'Leary, my throat got so tight at the end and tears came rolling down. After,...
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Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Since we love Oliver Jeffers, I used Stuck as inspiration for my Valentine's Day cards. What you need: cardstock ribbon / embroidery thread popsicle stick / skewers hotglue gun washi tape pens/pencil/crayons ...
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Watercolor reindeer
This is one of my favorite projects, watercolor + straws. I think I love the unconventional use of the straw but even more the uniqueness of each little piece of art. What you need: brown watercolor, watered down straw watercolor paper oil pastels/crayons gold paint...
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Spring Break Book Activities
I thought I would share some visuals of the book activities I have been sharing on Instagram. After reading Windblown by Edouard Manceau, we cut our colored pieces inspired by the book to create a chicken and a jellyfish. Drawing inspiration from Michael...
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Little Free Library 8963
I love to read, and I adore Children’s books. So when I came across a Little Free Library in late August via Instagram, I was smitten. I thought on it a few days and by September 4th, I was officially approved for Little Free Library 8963, a month later my...
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Raise-A-Reader Day
(for more information and photo credit) Today was Raise-A-Reader Day here in Vancouver, 100% of all funds go to support literacy in BC. Reading aloud happens everyday in our home. Recently I have been changing our reading times from the set times which have always...
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The Castaway Pirates
Pop-up books are the best! This book is beautiful and fun. It's been well loved in our home for years. The repetitiveness of the book invites the children in to say the words along with you. A great read-aloud book. Ages: 4+
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Best Birthday Party Ever
One of the funnest birthday books out there. It really describes a child's world and thoughts around a birthday. I read this to my children and my students and they get so excited and inspired. I mean a cake where every layers is a different flavor of cake! It would...
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ABC Dream
This book feels like a peek into someones personal sketch book. Beautiful, simple, and yet detailed in black and white sketches. I love wordless books such as this one, giving your child a chance to describe what they see. This is not only engaging the creative mind...
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