I love to read, and I adore Children’s books. So when I came across a Little Free Library in late August via Instagram, I was smitten. I thought on it a few days and by September 4th, I was officially approved for Little Free Library 8963, a month later my official steward plate arrived. My dream for this Little Free Library was to be nestled in the trees on Granville Island.

Granville Island is a charming place to visit, a tourist attraction to many visitors and when the sun comes out, a beautiful place for locals to spend the afternoon. I have been working on the Island for about 7 years, and I love my walk to work. I love the Island.  I knew it would be a great home for a Little Free Library. What I didn’t know, was how to propose that idea to Granville Island. Most people just put one in their front yard, but mine was going to be in a more unique space, or so I hoped.

I set out to find the contacts, this took time, and lots of redirecting. One night I sat down and made an official proposal, with whys, and maps, and space suggestions. I got an reply, and soon I was filling out an event form ( you don’t need a grand opening event, but I thought it would be nice intro to the community). I soon met for location ground reviews, and I was approved. I met some of the nicest people, so helpful and all supportive of a Little Free Library and Literacy.

There have been book donations from The Writers Fest and The Peak responded to my press kit. It has all been a lot of work. ALOT! I haven’t mentioned the posters, buttons, bags, book markers, or the building the library. My father-in-law is an architect, he made these great blueprints and he and my husband built the library with late nights and hard work.

If you are new here, I hope this means your found the Little Free Library 8963 on Granville Island. Please feel free to share the books you chose or any photos on the Facebook page.